1. Brian Ceccarelli, Cary Citations per Intersection, p. 1 (2013).
2. Austin Berg, Illinois Red-Light Cameras Have Collected More than $1B from Drivers Since 2008, Illinois Policy (2019).
3. Suffolk County Red Light Safety Program, 2015 Annual Report, p.26, SCTPVA (Dec 2016).
4. Candice Ferette, Robert Brodsky, Nassau County, N.Y. Sees Spike in Red-Light Camera Revenues, Government Technology (June 11, 2018).
5. Various California City Police Departments, Red-Light Camera Report fo the Judicial Counsel (2020).
6. The Zebra, The State of Auto Insurance, p. 22, (2019).
Over a period of 3 years, 1 red-light running ticket will raise an individual’s premium by $999. 324,760 tickets/year x 3 years x 999 = $970M. One may note that the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS), a consortium of auto insurance companies, advertises in favor of red-light cameras.
7. Brian Ceccarelli, Physics of the Yellow Change Interval -- History and Physics, Professional Engineers of North Carolina (2019).
8. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Guidelines for Determining Traffic Signal Change and Clearance Intervals, p.8 (2021).
9. Redflex Traffic Systems, Automated Red Light Photo Enforcement RFP #9045 to Chesapeake, VA (2014).
10. Redflex Traffic Systems, Cary, North Carolina All Photo-Enforcement Notices (2012).
11. Brian Ceccarelli, Red-Light Cameras--Whom They Really Ticket (2017).
12. Raleigh City Manager's Office, Manager's Update, Issue 2024-08, p. 14 (2024).
13. Suffolk County Red Light Safety Program, 2015 Annual Report, SCTPVA (Dec 2016).
14. New York Department of Transportation, Collision Diagram Miller Place Rd at Route 25A, Suffolk County (2015).
15. Alixandra Demers, SafeLight Raleigh Camera Analysis Observational Before-After Study, pp. iii, iv, v; AECOM (2013).
16. Justin Gallagher, Paul Fischer, Cameras Can Catch Cars That Run Red Lights, But That Doesn't Make Streets Safer, The Conversation (Aug 15, 2018).
17. Federal Highway Administration, Safety Evaluation of Red-Light Cameras, Publication NO. FHWA-HRT-05-0548, USDOT (2005).
18. Lei Yu, et al., Yellow and Red Intervals to Improve Signal Timing Plans for Left-Turn Movement, p. 28, Texas Department of Transportation (2003)
A year before Yu published the Texas paper, Yu coauthored a paper, Determination of Left-Turn Yellow Change and Red Clearance Interval. This 2002 paper acknowledges that the ITE equation is wrong for left turns. The work states that the old equation makes everyone red lights. This work introduces a new equation.
In the newer Texas paper, Yu plays with the numbers in order to make the 2002 equation render yellow change interval values similar to the old equation. The new values appear to uphold Texas' current practice. Yu justifies his math, this time consciously knowing that these values make drivers run red lights, by having traffic engineers vote on it.
Statutes, guidelines, regulations and the dictionary define engineering practice as the application of mathematical and physics sciences, not the outcome of a vote.​
19. Brian Ceccarelli, et al., Number of Violations vs Yellow Change Interval for Several American Cities (2015). ​
20. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 89C-3(6) (2023).
22. John Reins, Defining Standard of Care, p. 18 (2014).
23. Institution of Transportation Engineers, Guidelines for Determining Traffic Signal Change and Clearance Intervals, p. 2 (2021).
24. North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors, Case No. V2018-026 Against American Traffic Solutions (2018).
25. New York State Board for Engineering and Land Surveying, Email Stating Red-Light Camera Installation Plans are Engineering Practice (March 16, 2016).
26. North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors, Case No. V2018-002 Decision and Order Against Robert Rennebaum (2019).
27. ​​Nelson & Pope, Xerox Local and State Solutions, Red-Light Camera Installation Plans with no certification (2016).
Xerox knows that its plans must be certified because Xerox previously produced certified plans for the Raleigh, North Carolina. ACS, Xerox Local and State Solutions and Conduent are successor companies.
28. Brian Ceccarelli, Yellow Change Interval -- History and Physics, Professional Engineers of North Carolina (2019).
29. Timothy Gates and David Noyce, Dilemma Zone Driver Behavior as a Function of Vehicle Type, TIme of Day and Platooning, pp. 88, 89, Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board (December 2010).